Ministry Staff

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Brenda Kronemeijer-Heyink, Chaplain

Biking, books, biblical prophecy, and being present with others are the passions that Brenda brings with her into the ministry. She coordinates and helps lead much of the programming of the ministry. Brenda is an ordained minister in the Christian Reformed Church and is in the process of finishing up her PhD on the confusing linguistic nature of the book of Ezekiel. Much of her understanding of being present with others was shaped by her time living in an intentional community in the Red Light District of Amsterdam. Brenda enjoys great conversations, especially on the Bible and/or living radically, and is thankful to be providing pastoral support and encouragement to all those connected to the campus ministry.

Carol Scovil, Chaplain

Community, conversation, computers and creation. Carol Scovil has been a member of the campus ministry community  since 2005. Over the years, she transitioned into more of a leadership role, and was delighted to join the staff team in fall 2017. Carol has a PhD in biomedical engineering, and divides her time between helping lead Graduate Christian Fellowship, rehabilitation research and working in a clinic that helps people paralyzed from spinal cord injuries access computer and smart phone technologies that are integral to daily life in today’s world. Carol spent 16 months working at a rehabilitation hospital in Nepal in 2008-09, and fell in love with the country and people. She returns regularly to Nepal with short-term medical teaching teams. Carol is a lecturer in the Department of Occupational Therapy at the University of Toronto and the Accessibility Advocate at her church. Carol enjoys canoeing, cross-country skiing, deep conversations and being an aunt to her 6 nieces and nephews.

Hannah Foulger, Emerging Leader

Disability, dialogue and documentary theatre. Hannah Foulger has been a member of the campus ministry since 2021. Hannah has an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Guelph and a BA in English and Theatre from the University of Winnipeg. A disability advocate, writer and theatre artist, she has moved into the emerging leader position to focus on supporting the ministry through communications, web design and social media. In her artistic practice, she writes about disability, the complexity of complicity, and social justice in poetry, prose and drama. Hannah enjoys reading, hiking, exploring the arts, and participating in liturgy.