Dear members of the campus ministry communities, supporters and friends:
Following the lead of the University of Toronto, Wycliffe College has cancelled all in-person classes for the rest of this semester, together with all non-academic meetings.
We are very sorry to report that this means that the CRC campus ministry at U of T will also be cancelling all public gatherings until the crisis has lifted. Specifically, we are cancelling any further meetings of:
Wine Before Breakfast
Graduate Christian Fellowship
Faculty Fellowship
And … we are postponing the
50th Anniversary Celebration on March 28
This is, of course, deeply disappointing for all of us and we look forward to resuming our public ministry as soon as possible. Contingency plans are being developed to continue some form of ongoing online ministry for the Graduate Christian Fellowship and Wine Before Breakfast communities. We will make further announcements about those plans as soon as more details are available.
As a staff team we will continue to provide pastoral care to the community, but will endeavour to have pastoral meetings outside of Wycliffe College. If you are in pastoral need please do not hesitate to reach out to the staff team.
As Christians we are called to love and care for our neighbours. During a pandemic that means regular hand washing and keeping social distance, while also being prepared to put oneself at risk for the care of our neighbours. If you are aware of someone feeling anxious or isolated, reach out to them by phone or text. Let us pray that we will discern well where neighbour love will lead us in this time of crisis.
In Christ,
Brian Walsh
Geoff Wichert
Deb Whalen-Blaize
Aileen Verdun
Carol Scovil