Graduate Christian Fellowship (GCF)

Dear friends,

As Geoff and I planned GCF for the month of March, we couldn’t think of a more appropriate way to wrap up the semester than by spending the next few weeks doing what has become characteristic of this community: sharing stories. As you know, we periodically invite members of GCF and some folks from outside the community to join us for an evening to tell us a bit about their lives-whether that be about academic pursuits or a passion for food, spiritual questions or life as a nun, travelling internationally or growing emotionally.

This week the first of those people will be sharing a bit of her story with us. Amber Aulen is a regular member of the GCF community who just completed her comprehensive exams for her PhD program in Russian Literature at U of T. Here’s a taste of what Amber will be talking about with us, in her own words:

“Since graduating from high school I have lived in eleven cities, spanning five countries and four US states.  Travel has been a crucial component in shaping my story throughout this time and as a sphere of activity whose vitality derives from the journey rather than the final destination it provides an appropriate framework for talking about the unexpected twists and turns of my life.  I would have predicted very few of the current realities of my life from the vantage point of my life circa 2001 (PhD in Russian literature?  Really?) and I will be reflecting on how I got from there to here…and where ‘here’ is – geographically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually.”

As we begin the liturgical season of Lent tomorrow, we recall and live through Christ’s life and passion-His story.

What an appropriate time to continue to journey with us through the telling of and listening to our stories–starting with Amber’s story this week Thursday.

Looking forward to traveling with you!

Take care,

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