Evening Prayer

Join others in reading a Psalm, Scripture text, and praying together. The services are from 4:10-4:30 p.m. on Monday through Thursday (on regular school days). On Mondays and Wednesdays, the prayers are held at Knox College chapel, on Tuesdays the prayers are held at Regis College Chapel, and on Thursdays they are held via WhatsApp. Hosted by chaplains and students from St. Michael’s, Ecumenical Chaplaincy at the University of Toronto, and Graduate Christian Fellowship/Christian Reformed Campus Ministry.

What to Expect: The prayers are held at the front of the chapel. Those gathered (2-6 people) read together the Prayer during the day from the Church of the England. You are invited to participate in the services through the communal responses, reading lines of Scripture and/or by praying aloud during the prayer times.

The service can be accessed via the Time to Pray app, which we recommend you download on your phone ahead of time. You can also use the app to read through and/or listen to the prayers ahead of time so that you know what to expect. On days that you cannot join others in daily prayer, we encourage you to listen to the app or find a different way to pray, including even attending the daily prayer time via WhatsApp (Reach out to Brenda for the link).